
She’s officially a “toddler”

It has finally happened! She took her first step!   I say “finally” because we’ve been convinced that she’d be walking any time since mid-November….

So annoyed

I have to say, I think I’ve been pretty lucky so far. I’ve heard so many stories about strangers coming up to mothers and criticising them, or…

Wicked Wednesdays: baby jail, day 169

Baby jail. Day 169. My captors have proven to be reasonably kind, providing me with entertainment, sustenance and clothing. Lilleplut the tabby cat keeps me company…

My baby is ONE!?!

Before Pumpkin was born – and in the days and weeks after – there’s one bit of advice that stuck with me more than any other:…

One-year photos at Bumpkins

You probably wouldn’t know it to look at most of the photos that I post on this blog – but I’m actually a pretty good…

B&W photo project: June 2014

It’s time for another black and white photography project. This time, it’s a selection of photos from June. Here’s my favourite from the month. She’s wearing her…

Wicked Wednesdays: comfortable?

This is her idea of “comfortable,” apparently. It is characterized by a dull cialis online uk ache in forehead or back of head and pain…

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