Wicked Wednesdays

Wicked Wednesdays: fetch!

I’m torn about Pumpkin’s latest discovery. On one hand, I think: “Wow, look how clever my little girl is. She has figured out how to…

Wicked Wednesdays: nooo keeeses!

Nooo keeeessesssss! A little blast from the past. She was about three months old here and, apparently, not happy about kisses or selfies. Males looking for…

Wicked Wednesdays: baby noms

Two weeks ago, it was the bathtub plug. These days, as far as Pumpkin is concerned, the only toy better than the door stopper is…

Wicked Wednesdays: noodles are hard

“Mummy, could you explain these noodle things to me again? I’m not sure I understand how they work.” Husbands are burdened with cheap viagra so…

Wicked Wednesdays: cheeky

I can’t believe it’s Wednesday again already! Generally, I try to avoid using flash on pictures of Pumpkin. But I’m so glad used it with…

Wicked Wednesdays: selfie fail

We went to Greenwich Market last week and managed this horrendous mummy-and-baby-selfie FAIL. Strange man photobombing us – he doesn’t look happy. My face. What’s going…

Wicked Wednesday: carrot or sock?

Poor Pumpkin is learning that life is full of tough decisions. Like whether she should chew on her sock or a piece of carrot. She’s also learning…

Wicked Wednesday: exuberant

She gets a bit exuberant with her kisses sometimes. (Please excuse the absolutely terrible photo of me – the fingers up my nose really caught…

Wicked Wednesday: messy

The baby hasn’t moved into her room yet – one reason is that the laundry keeps taking over. Where does it all come from??? Is…

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